About Us

Elmwood Park

Elmwood Park Community League is a small community league located in the Elmwood Park. Elmwood Park has been an integral part within the community, hosting seasonal events and get-togethers for all individuals. Although small, Elmwood Park continues to grow and expand its projects and outreach. These include events like Walk Your Block, Volunteer Opportunities as-well as the planting of Elm Tree all around the community for the Veterans who live in the community.
Recently, Elmwood Park has renovated and completed its newest Den, which is also available for rental. Furthermore, the Community Garden has also undergone renovations and expanded into a much larger plot allowing for additional community members to come and reserve their garden plot!

Current Bylaws

These bylaws were assumed from a template provided by the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and edited to suit Elmwood Park Community League. A vote was held at the AGM on September 26th, 2018 and the new bylaws were adopted.
Elmwood Park Community League prides itself on these Bylaws introduced by the Edmonton Federation of the Community Leagues.
All residents and community staff members respect these bylaws and expect all individuals to obey and abide by these bylaws.
If you have any questions, please email president Morgan Wolf at ElmwoodparkCl.info@gmail.com or attend one of the monthly meetings!
View Our Members!
Everyday there are people working to make our neighborhood better. They are not paid by the city; they are just residents that want to be part of something bigger than themselves and want to create something better for their community.

Community Garden Coordinator

Vice President



Crafts Coordinator



Community Garden Coordinator

Vice President



Crafts Coordinator


Members at Large
Jaqueline Williams, Phil Moore, Cindy Verner